
Top 15 Motivational Movies Every Entrepreneur MUST Watch

You’ve heard of the Industrial Revolution, well, this is the era of the Entrepreneurship Revolution.  
Entrepreneurship is one of the more budding industries, but even so, many people fall off the wagon quickly. There are many rough patches along the way and many just want to give up when it gets too tough.
But I believe that perseverance does pay off in the long run. All you need is a change in perspective and a desire to achieve what you want to achieve.
And a great way to get into that motivated mindset is with a motivational movie!
Motivational Movies For Entrepreneurs
You are going to need daily motivation to help you overcome all of the obstacles you will face in this line of work.
And sometimes, it just gets so hard to even finish off a single day. That’s when you need inspiration.
Movies have been, and still are, a source of inspiration for many. Movies have the power to challenge our limits, push our understandings, and invoke powerful emotions.
In short: Movies can help you become a better entrepreneur!

Top Motivational Movies Every Entrepreneur MUST Watch For A Dose Of Inspiration

1. Nightcrawler (2014)
I just finished watching this movie, and the first thing I did after watching it was start writing this post.
Nightcrawler is a movie for people with great vision.
This movie is little brutal, but Jake Gyllenhaal’s acting will keep you engaged. It’s about a struggling guy who is looking for a job but can’t find one. Instead, he finds a window of opportunity after witnessing a crime and decides to become a crime journalist.
This movie will teach you that with a little persuasion and drive, anyone can become anything. It will teach you how focusing on, and improving, your positive attributes will make you limitless.
Go watch this movie, and then come back and tell me you aren’t inspired. It’s not possible.
And without giving away any spoilers, here’s the last line of the movie:
2. The Social Network (2010)
The Social Network was a Hollywood blockbuster.
It was based on the fairy-tale rise of Mark Zuckerberg and his startup – Facebook.
The Social Network remains a top choice for inspiration because of its deft storytelling and brilliant background score.

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This is a good movie on learning how to take your dreams and turn them into reality.
The movie also teaches us a lot on how to scale a company from a dorm room to themost successful social media platform the world has ever seen!
Although the accuracy of this movie has been questioned, it doesn’t matter, it is a great source of inspiration for all entrepreneurs.
Here is one of the best lines from the movie:
3. Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999)

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Pirates of Silicon Valley is another well-crafted movie covering the successes of Bill Gates’s Microsoft and Steve Jobs’s Apple.
Both were no doubt “great pirates” and this movie does a great job of detailing that. The movie is a take on the rivalry between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates from the very early days.
Noah Wyle did a great job of portraying young Steve Jobs in this made-for-television movie.
And Anthony Michale Hall does a great Bill Gates. Here’s one of his quotes:
4. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)

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Yes, it’s spelled like that.
This is one of my favorite motivational movies, and one of the best movies ever onnever giving up.
Will Smith’s amazing portrayal of Chris Gardner will give you goosebumps.
This is a movie based on Chris’s memoirs. It was a best-selling book and then became a blockbuster movie.
It adds in a gripping sense of reality that you don’t find in a lot of cheesy Hollywood movies.
The movie features a powerful, yet simple message:
  • Never give up.
Here’s a great line:
5. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

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How could we leave out this one!?
It’s one of IMDB’s all-time top 10 movies.
Here’s the story:
Two imprisoned men bond over a period of many years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency. The protagonist Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) manages to make the best out of a very bad situation (being imprisoned for a false murder). Through perseverance, he manages to achieve more than he ever thought possible.
Morgan Freeman plays the other main character, and their chemistry is unmatchable.
During one of their earliest conversations, Andy says:
6. Forrest Gump (1994)

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This is a beautiful story about a simple man with good intentions, who accidentally becomes a phenomenal success just by living his the life he feels is right.
He wins medals, becomes a professional ping-pong player, takes up running, owns a huge shrimping company, and inspires people all across the country.
The story revolves around the simple nature of Forrest (Tom Hanks) and how he proves that you don’t have to be a genius to achieve something. All you have to do is try.
My favorite quote from the movie:
7. Moneyball (2011)

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This movie is about the Oakland Athletics and its general manager Billy Beane (Brad Pitt).
The team is an underdog and is losing a lot of money. All of their star players have been picked up by bigger teams. Now, Billy needs to look at how to create a winning team without the kind of talent that money can buy.
This movie shows how entrepreneurs can take an innovative approach to an existing way of doing business, and beat out the competition with little to no money.
Here’s a great line:
8. The Godfather (1972)

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The Godfather is another one of IMDB’s all-time top 10 movies, and it’s also one of the most critically acclaimed films of all time.
This is a story about the growth of a small family business and the fighting off of the opposition. The business changes through time until it finally becomes the largest organized crime syndicate in New York City.
The father and son who run the operation show what it takes to get to the top and stay there.
It’s a great watch for those who want to learn how to stay on the top. Note: Don’t do anything illegal, just find some inspiration in these shrewd business operators.
And I know you won’t be able to resist from tweeting this line:
9. Wall Street (1987)

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This a movie about business and greed.
The story is about an ambitious young stockbroker, Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen).
He has and does everything in his power to succeed, even if that means a little insider trading. Insider trading is a highly reprehensible and punishable crime, and yet, he has no fear. He meets with Gordon Gecko (Michael Douglas) and starts doing business with the motto “greed is good”.
You don’t have to succumb to greed to draw inspiration from this movie.
Here’s a great line:
10. Rocky (1976)

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This is the classic underdog story.
Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) is given the chance to fight the heavyweight champ. He has an opportunity to make a better life for himself by going head to head with the challenge.
This movie teaches a lot about the competitive spirit, and will inspire you to get up and beat your competition (hopefully not literally!).
Always remember this truth:
