
10 Blogging Mistakes Most of the Bloggers Make 2017

Although starting a blog might be easy; however, it requires a thorough professional discipline for making your blog a grand success.
Now a day’s hundreds of blogs are launched every day, but most of them fail to get the cherished goal for which they were launched.
They die a premature death.
So a million dollar question is how to make your blog a success.
Well, though there is not a standard answer to this still you can do a lot of things in order to make a successful blog. Nobody can define a success formula for blogging but pursuing the right and essential elements in blogging you can eventually make your blog reach the pinnacle of success.
10 Blogging Mistakes Most of the Bloggers MakeIn this respect, the foremost thing you need to do is to stop making mistakes that most of the other bloggers make.
Here, we have listed and illustrated 10 Blogging Mistakes Most of the Bloggers Make.
You should avoid making these blogging mistakes so that your blog becomes popular and as well as successful.

10 Common Blogging Mistakes

1. Not deciding single niche
To start with you need to decide the niche first in which you want to blog. Not deciding single niche is perhaps the biggest mistake made by most of the bloggers. So if, you are starting a new blog, decide a single niche rather than choosing multiple niches. Your readers should be aptly clear about what they can get from your blog. It should be a niche that you like to write and know well.
A single niche also helps search engines to position your blog and thus can direct visitors to your blog looking for topics on the niche you write. In short, you should not spoil your blog by choosing to write on multiple niches. However, if you have mastery over multiple niches, then it is always advisable to start separate blogs for each of the niches.
2. Not writing regular
Starting a new blog is not the end of it. You need to fuel your blog, by writing regular content for it. Well, you can decide the frequency you want to have for your blog. You can choose to write daily, biweekly, weekly, monthly or can choose whatever frequency is suitable for you. Once you decide on the frequency, you should stick to it.
Not writing regular content for your blog, you tend to lose visitors and affect your search engine rankings too. A blog with no fresh content becomes stagnant and is equivalent to a dead blog. Writing regular content is a vital element for successful blogging. It helps to keep a regular flow of traffic of visitors to your site or blog.
3. Not writing quality content
Writing regular content is not enough. You require writing quality content for your blogs. The content you write should not be copied. You should thoroughly research the topic before you actually begin to write the content for your blog. This way you not only tend to create unique content but also useful content for your readers that are not found on other blogs. Herein, the style of writing also matters.
Your content should be easy to read for your visitors. Your visitors should be able to drive value out of your content. Remember that quality comes first and matters the most for your readers or visitors. Quality content is the main influencer for your visitors. They will invariably patronize and like your blog once they realize that you always dish out quality content to them.
4. Writing just for search engines
Although, every blogger wants that their blog should rank high on the search engine results page, one should still not write just for search engines. On the contrary, you should write for your readers. Over stuffing your content with keywords spoil the flow and relevancy of the content. Though your content can rank on the search engines, but it is of no value to the visitors as they simply fail to understand what the content delivers to them. Writing just for search engines, you tend to diminish the real value of your content. So make a point not to write just for search engines.
5. Thinking blogging will make some quick money
Many people start blogging just because they have the false notion that, by blogging, they can make quick money. In fact, this is not possible. On the contrary, blogging requires time and persistent efforts to yield results. All dependents on how much visitors you get. It takes focussed efforts to popularize your blog. Blogging is not just about setting up a blog, but also encompasses a lot of other dimensions to it. Blogging does not provide a quick money making system. Having said this, there is an enormous scope of earning from blogging. There are hundreds of bloggers who are earning fantastic amount of money by blogging. But, as also already said, this will surely take time and your continuous dedication.
6. No Optimization of on-page SEO
On-Page SEO Optimization is another important factor for blogging success. No Optimization of on-page SEO is a fatal ignorance if you genuinely require succeeding in the world of blogging. On-Page SEO involves a number of tasks such as proper headings, title tags, font size of the content, doing bold, italics, or underlining, proper formatting of the of the points in your content, setting up image size, and many other related tasks. You can do on-Page Optimization from the dashboard of your Content Management System. By doing On-Page Optimization, you can rank your content higher in SERPs and thereby stand to gain a lot of traffic to your blog or site.
7. Not promoting on Social Media
If you are not promoting your blog on social media channels, you are missing out on a vital source of traffic of visitors. Social Media (such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc) has the potential of bringing large volume of traffic to your blog or site. You just require to actively promoting your blog on these Social media sites. Not promoting on social media sites is one of the biggest mistakes done by bloggers and should be avoided at all costs.
8. No, or less efforts on link building
Link Building is a vital factor in the overall search engine optimization. The more backlinks you have on your post, the greater preference you get in search engine results which means higher rankings and more traffic to your blog. No, or less efforts on link building mean you are losing out traffic for your site. Although Link Building requires continuous efforts, but the rewards are enormous in terms of greater reach to your targeted audience.
9. Not replying to comments
As a blogger, you post content on your blog and provide an opportunity to your readers to give their feedback through commenting. You invariably have a comments section below each of your blog post. Comments are valuable to you as it shows the response of your readers, their interest in your blog posts, and their level of participation. Comments help you to improve your content as they are usually filled with suggestions and new ideas from your readers.
However, this is not the end of it as you need to reply to the comments posted on your blogs.
Not replying to comments you tend to discourage your readers from further commenting. They might even decide not to visit your blog. Not replying to comments has a negative impact on the popularity of your blog and the traffic count for your blog might fall drastically. Thus, you should develop the discipline of replying to the comments posted on your blog so that your blog remains popular with your audience and as well as increase the traffic to your blog.
10. Not building a relationship with other bloggers
Relationship with other bloggers plays an important role in the promotion and success of your blog. Fellow bloggers with whom who have a good relationship can write about your posts, can post their comments on your blog, like your posts, provide you useful and quality backlinks, can use social media channels (such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+) to spread your posts. Thus, they can increase your reach to a wider audience. Building relationship with other bloggers is also good from SEO point of as they can give link to your blog which will help you to improve your site rankings in the SERPs.
So if, you are not building a relationship with other bloggers, you stand to lose a lot. Building relationship with other bloggers is thus very critical for the success of your blog. You should make full efforts to build a relationship with other bloggers as soon as you start your blog.
Conclusion: If you really want to have a successful blogging career, want to popularize your blog, have a large audience base, want to increase the traffic of visitors to your site, then you should not make any of the above blogging mistakes. The 10 Blogging Mistakes Most of the Bloggers Make can be your guiding force and show you the things you should not do to become a successful blogger.
All-in-all, do not make the Blogging Mistakes Most of the Bloggers Make.
